Horse Racing In Rain & Bad Weather

Horse racing is a sport that is held in all kinds of weather. Horses don’t particularly seem to mind getting wet when they race, so it is common to see many horse races contested in the rain. They can even be ran on horse racing tracks that are so deep in mud that safety becomes a real concern for both […] Continue Reading

Online Horse Racing Betting Canada

Horse race betting is very popular in Canada. Even though there are only two major horse racing tracks in the Canadian provinces, millions of dollars are wagered each year on horse racing. It has become more common for people to bet the Canada races with an online racebook because online horse racing betting Canada offers multiple advantages. Here are a […] Continue Reading

Emma Jayne-wilson : Hong Kong Jockey

Only a handful of women have distinguished themselves in horse racing as professional jockeys. One of the most successful of the modern era is Emma-Jayne Wilson. This Canadian-born jockey has won over 1,500 races in her career. She has made many headlines, but the one for which she may be remembered most is becoming the first female jockey to be […] Continue Reading

Racing Horse Betting In Australia

Some of the most exciting racing horse betting in the world takes place in Australia. The continent is filled with historic race tracks and contests legendary races like the Melbourne Cup. EZ Horse Betting believes that there are many opportunities for online horse bettors to make money with Australian racing. Here are some important things that you should know. One […] Continue Reading

Australia’s Greatest Race Horse – Phar Lap

In the annals of Australian horse racing there have been many great champions. Ajax, Archer, and Carbine are just a few of the horses that have distinguished themselves on the Australian turf. Of all these, one is remembered more than the rest. The legendary Phar Lap accounted for the best horse racing story to come out of the Australian continent. […] Continue Reading

Why Do Horses In Australia Race On Grass?

If you have attended live racing in Australia or watched Australian horse racing on a live stream from your favorite online racebook, you may have noticed that the horses race almost exclusively on grass surfaces. Turf racing is a long-held tradition in Australia and Europe. It can be challenging to handicap races on the grass, but the rewards can be […] Continue Reading

The Melbourne Cup Racing Carnival

There are few events more popular in Australian horse racing than the Melbourne Cup Racing Carnival. It is comparable to the Triple Crown series in America. The carnival hosts many important races which include the Melbourne Cup. You can watch and wager on these races with your favorite online race betting site. Here are some important things you should known […] Continue Reading

Picking Horse Race Winners In Australia

Many of our readers want advice on how to pick winners in Australian horse racing. The racing in this part of the world is filled with many important stakes race events that feature very talented horses. This means that the Australian horse races can be very competitive. In this series of handicapping articles EZ Horse Betting is going to look […] Continue Reading

Top 10 Jockeys In Australian Horse Racing

Jockeys are the men and women of steel who make horse racing exciting. The diminutive athletes are pound-for-pound some of the strongest people in the world. Weighing little more than 100 pounds, a jockey is able to steer a 1,000 pound animal through narrow openings and control the horse’s speed throughout a race. Here is a look at ten jockeys […] Continue Reading

5 Reasons To Bet Australian Horse Racing

We get many emails at EZ Horse Betting from handicappers that love to bet the Australian horse races. This is not surprising. Australia offers some of the most exciting horse racing to be found anywhere in the world. There are also many online racebooks that allow betting on Australian tracks. It isn’t even necessary to leave home if you want […] Continue Reading

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