Those who like EZ Horse Betting at an online racebook are always looking for ways to improve their handicapping. It is also useful to simplify the process of picking winners at the race track. What could be more simple than a computer program that does all the work for you? As crazy as it may sound, handicapping horses software does indeed exists. Here are some things you need to know before you invest in a program.
About Handicapping Software
There are a few different software applications that are available to the bettor. Some of them are inexpensive while others could cost a pretty penny. There are programs that have a steep learning curve, and others exist which even a child could master. They type of software you choose will largely depend upon your handicapping preferences.
The common feature of all handicapping horses software is that it requires you to input information. You will provide the data and the program will analyze it. Obviously,ย a program that requires you to input data is subject to human error. If you enter the wrong speed figure or the wrong trainer, the program won’t give you an accurate result. This means that you have to use care when working with handicapping applications.
By the same token you’ll also need some basic computer experience to master this method of handicapping. Many older horse bettors are probably laughing right now as they read this. โMaybe you can find a winning horse on your interwebs!โ they will joke. But think about it. Baseball and football scouts have been using software for years to identify superior athletes at the high school and college level. Why should handicappers be any different?
You should never disregard anything that gives you a potential edge in your handicapping. If using a computer increases your likelihood of cashing tickets, it’s a valid method. Some handicappers with coding experience in Python have even gone so far as to write their own programs for picking horses.
Let’s take a closer look at some of the popular software programs that are available. Perhaps you will find one or several that will fit your individual needs.
Brisnet has long been regarded as a top provider of handicapping tools and resources. It should come as no surprise that the company offers a variety of handicapping software that is free to download and use. Well, almost free. You’ll still have to pay for the files from Brisnet that are needed to make the program work, so there is a catch.
There are several programs to choose from. Neurax is an intuitive program that learns from previous race results. It compiles the recent race records of horses to complete a projection of how a race will be ran. ALL-ways is a software program that focuses on handicapping angles. Just choose the angle that you want to focus on, enter some information from Brisnet, and the program will do the rest. There is also a custom PP generator, a way to organize data from past performances to your liking, and more.
Many of the file packages that need to be purchased from Brisnet to make the programs work are affordably priced. And the bettor can choose to spend according to their budget. Just remember that the best software on the market doesn’t do you much good if it’s costing you more than your hope to make from the bets you place at an online racebook.
BETMIX Handicapping Software
Another option is a software company that is called BETMIX. This collection of handicapping tools is a browser-based option that has the advantage of allowing you to focus on single races from a wide variety of race tracks. You can even test the software for free on a race of the day that has been selected by BETMIX.
The tools that are included with BETMIX include past performance analyzers, angle interpretation, and more. It is even possible to create your own handicapping method and then test the results. You can then use the test to refine and improve the variables of your method. There is also a fullย library of race results available that can be accessed to evaluate a horse’s prior efforts.
The downside of this particular software program is that it can be pricey. A full subscription is $50 per month or $500 per year. You would need to be realizing at least that much profit from your race track bets in a given month for the software to be cost-effective.
TrackMaster is a full suite of handicapping tools that focuses mainly on pace analysis. There is an entire school of handicapping though that is devoted to pace. It’s adherents can be almost cult-like in their devotion to the aspect of pace as a primary factor in determining the outcome of races. TrackMaster caters to this segment of the handicapping community.
You will find that this program offers a pocket suite of handicapping tools, a past performance analyzer, and a handicapping program that is engineered for use on tablets. That is very helpful if you want to enjoy a live day at the races, and you can also combine the tablet program with your favorite online horse betting site.
The products offered by TrackMaster have varying price levels. It is one of the more costly programs available. Free trials are available for many of the tools, however, which will give you an opportunity to determine which ones will be of the most benefit.
Horse Handicapping Software Conclusion
Every bettor has to make the determination which program will best serve their needs. No program is suitable for all handicappers, as many of them focus on different aspects of picking winners. You should determine which factor means the most to you. Speed? Form? Pace? There are programs which stress all of these factors.
We recommend that you take advantage of a free trial first before you make a purchase. Check our Bovada racebook review, Twinspires review or even our Betamerica review. All great choice if you are in the US. 5Dimes review for folks anywhere!ย Try three of four programs so that you can compare their effectiveness. Once you have some data that will support profitability you can choose to make a purchase.
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Al Collins
Although it is a bit over two years old, this is the BEST information on handicapping software I have found on the web! And I learned of another service (Betmix) I was not aware of. I’ve used some of the BRIS products extensively, and the only party making any money was BRIS in the form of the fees they charge for the data and results files.
Also, their programs are VERY OLD, well over a decade. Moore’s law states that computers double their speed every 18 months. So, these old programs are a bit like using the even older “systems” that required manual entry into a pocket calculator, compared to the speed & power new software could provide, especially A.I., which would allow a program to “learn” as the user feeds in race cards and results.
After a little investigation, I found out the person who developed those programs for BRIS died about 10 years ago. Seems nobody has knocked on BRIS’ door to offer new programs that take advantage of today’s computer power. If youare really good with PC’s and rogramming, and you are on a COVID-19 furlough, there MAY be an opportunity for you to make some serious cash@!
Finally, I have known a few people who use the TRACKMASTER system. They are not doing any better than us form readers.
Al, thanks for your comment. We agree that there is definitely room for more horse racing software development. It seems that people will always be trying to quantify the ability of horses in a straightforward way. In fact, one Hong Kong bettor made millions with his horse racing computer software. We appreciate you reading and good luck at the races!